Thursday 7 January 2016

My article

Elle Stark wass just you average 20 year-old
who had big hopes and ambitions of making
 it big in in the RnB industry. Fast forward a
few years and she has gone from a sophisticated
 secretary to pop princess already completeing
a UK national tour and releasing an album we
beleive that she has the potential our next new
Rhianna. Oozing with qwerk and sex appeal, we
beleive that this  22 year-old could be HUGE.

Hi Anya, thank you for coming to 
speak to us
No probem, I am happy to be here.

We constantly have your album 
on repeat, who was your inspiration?
I love Rhianna and the type of edgy music 
she makes -she was definetly my main inspiration
 for this album. I also enjoy listening to some 90’s 
classics such as Nelly and really tried to gain the
 original RnB roots in my music.

Congrats on completing  your
 ‘whirlwind’ tour, how was it?
Thank you so much, I am so releieved and
 sad in a away, I’m sad it’s over but so
 glad because especially towards the end it 
became so exhausting.

You’ve had a pretty crazy journey, 
you became an over night sucess, 
how are you coping with your new 
found fame?
I like to refer to it as my ‘whirlwind journey’
 I don’t know how i have coped, I just try
to appreciate every moment of it while it 

‘I just try to enjoy 
every moment of it 
while it lasts’

After the year you’ve have had, 
what are your plans next?
Festivals- I would love to participate in 
Glastonbury, that would be like a dream for
me, I just love the atmosphere and the vibe.
I would also like to take my album 

Yes, I’ve booked some studio time in LA
with some major producers, I can’t give too 
much away at the moment   

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