Tuesday 16 February 2016

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience for my magazine is late teens to early twenties (roughly between the ages of 16-26.) Although this is a wide range of ages I believe that the content inside can cater more than one age e.g. an interview with a famous celeb would appeal to both a 16 and 23 year old.I purposely made my magazine lack vibrant colours, children, childish props in order to appeal to an older audience.I have also chosen this audience as it is an age where my audience would be able to start attending and appreciating tours as they become engrossed into celebs.

I have tried to keep my magazine gender mutual as both boys and girls both equally enjoy RnB music, i have used neutral colour scheme and included both male and female artists, appealing to either gender. Having said this, I do feel that girls are more likely to buy this RnB music magazine so hopefully the female on the front cover would be a point of attraction to males.

I have not made a conscious effort to aim my magazine at a certain ethnicity, although, RnB artists typically black i have included people from different ethnicities as I would rather it appeal to all ethnicities and prove this by have a vary in my magazine.

The type of people I have aimed my magazine at are typical late teens e.g college and university students enjoy discovering new artists, can travel to see some of their favourite existing ones in clubs as this magazine updates my audience on where their artists will be and be able to follow them on places they will be and what you can expect from them. As RnB is music that many people can enjoy, I have tried to keep this magazine understanding  of everyone meaning that it won't just be aimed at one gender or ethnicity, this also means that the magazine can be shared around friendship group or just left on the coffee table for anyone to enjoy.

Using 'Avachara' I have created characters of who what I feel my audience would typically look like:

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