Wednesday 17 February 2016

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Attracting the audience is all about trying to engage the audience into my product, I tried to do this though amending the conventions of the magazines especially the:
  • colours
  • content
  • photographs 
  • masthead
  • layout
In order to please my audience I had to research into things that they like, I found this easy as I could gather some information through observations as I am within the age group 16-26.

When attracting the audience, my overall aim was to create an unique magazine that was significantly different to any other RnB magazine aimed at 16-26 year olds that fitted all the codes and conventions that a magazine should portray.

In my double page spread, i have used my audiences fascination with social media, allowing them to have a say and get involved using it, this means that I could engage the audience by using some of the most used social medias e.g. twitter and instagram, the thought of their question being asked to a celebrity would attract them into buying other issues. I also think this is a good method as it is unique to the print industry as it works in favour for both its digital and print industry, creating intertextuality.

I dressed my audience through annotating and understanding other ways in which magazines try to address their audiences e.g. for images, if the main subject is looking straight then it creates a mode of address which speaks to the audience.

I tried to address what genre my magazine was through the language used e.g. I used 'hits' as opposed to beats to illiterate the RnB feel.

Using a Nikon D60 i took formal portraits, whereby the artists posed for the camera. Most of these photos where taken on a white background so that they would 1. look more professional and 2. be easy to edit (if needed.)

I tried to address the audience by ensuring that the artists where wearing typical late teen attire and the clothes worn where from popular loved brands e.g. Topshop, allowing a connection to be made between the artist and the audience meaning a relation can occur resulting in an attraction to the consumer.

Audience feedback- survey monkey 

Brief analysis from feedback:

From the survey, it is clear that most people do understand that it is a RnB magazine and that I have been successful in representing my target audience.

The most common comments towards 'what attracts you to this magazine' were:

  • price
  • colour
  • content
  • looks interesting
  • layout

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