Saturday 31 October 2015

Genre- Emaze

Genre Research

What was the task?
The task was to research into my chosen genre of RnB, I looked into types of RnB, key artists, current RnB magazines, history and development and fans of RnB.

What did you learn?
I learnt what a genre meant, this is helpful when understanding how to refine my research so that it will appeal to the TA and in knowing the correct artists and tour dates for my chosen Genre. I have also learnt that how there are different sub-genres within RnB mainly due to the fact that past RnB is so different to current music. (this became majorly apparent when creating the history timeline.)
How will this task help me with my production?
Now understanding what RnB artists look like and how they dress, I can now incorporate this style onto my magazine e.g. knowing how to dress the models so they look appropriate for the genre. This task has also made me more aware of my competitors so I have to make my magazine stand out and it will help me in ensuring it carries the same characteristic that other magazines have meaning that it looks relatable to the genre. The final way think task helped is through knowing the type of RnB route I am going most into, this is contemporary RnB.

Saturday 24 October 2015


What was the task?

I completed research into mass VS niche music magazines. I chose to research into Billboard magazine as it is  largely recognised and appreciated and compared it to Hiphop weekly (a niche magazine) that appeals to a much smaller audience

What did I learn?
One of the most interesting things I learnt was that the presentation and formality of the front cover was was a lot more appealing when the magazine had a larger circulation, this may be due to available funding for things such as a professional photoshoot or well known celebrities

How will I apply this to my work?

From this work i have decided to create a mass target magazine as I prefer the professional affect that is given off either by mass target audiences e.g. use of studio taken photos and clear layout


This summary explains what I have found out about the genre what sub genre/angle I will take based on the research I have conducted and will explain why I chosen this particular genre and what gap it fills

Based on the research I have conducted on the genre of my magazine, I have decided to create a magazine that is based on RnB as it became apparent that there was a lack/gap in the market where niche RnB magazines are concerned.

I see a need for this magazine as their is a gap in the market because there aren't many mass magazines that are aimed specifically towards RnB e.g. Billboard and Vibe as they only have small sections containing RnB related articles and other RnB magazines such as RnB are not widely circulated and well known, when looking into these types of magazine I also found that the target audience is a lot higher (maybe 25+)

Using my genre research, I can conclude, that the most suitable target audience for a RnB magazine is 16-26 year olds as they tend to take a lot of interest into this type of music and artists and seen as they are the majority of concert/festival attenders I would like to dedicate some pages/articles that specifically address this matter.

As a 17 year old myself, it helps having a target audience 16-26 as I am surrounded with people of similar ages myself and it would be efficient when conducting research and knowing from observations how I can appeal to this audience to the best of my ability.

Friday 23 October 2015

Mood Board

Using the software final cut pro, I have created this mood board that has a collection of photos that relate to my chosen genre of RnB, these photos include: the audience, famous artists (both past and present) CD's, fonts (that fit the theme) and RnB magazines accompanied by some short video clips of RnB music videos through the past 25 years. All music used in this mood board is all current RnB tracks.

How this will help my research:
This mood board has helped me with this research task s it has enabled me to associate the type of audience who listen to RnB and would be interested in the magazines i.e. they are the type of audience who would enjoy attending concerts therefore I could include a double page spread on upcoming events. It has also helped me to develop my understanding on the type of dress and style that genre enjoy as the women are often dressed in little clothing (as seen in the music videos and magazine front covers) and the rappers often wear a leather jacket and 'chavy' dress e.g. baseball shirts and caps with some form of bling around their neck portraying a much harsher look; this type of research will definitely be useful when looking to create my front cover.

Problems I encountered:

As I had used pre-existing and copyrighted music, YouTube had threatened to take down my video; therefore I had to file a dispute as to why my music is eligible to be used and posted on YouTube. I had stated that my reasons for use was purely for education purposes and that the video was on the 'private' setting (meaning only myself and others who had the hyperlink could view the video.) I currently have a strike against my name and complete 'copyright school' so that I could regain access to my account and continue uploading videos onto my blog.

Monday 19 October 2015

Really getting into it...

Recently, I have found myself reaching for music magzines, flicking through and even buying them

Whilst reading NME magazine I became particularly drawn to the layout of this page; from this, I have decided I really liked the less formal layout it as it has a contemporary feel, whilst allowing for a neat colour scheme and retro layout.
I'm really starting to enjoy analysing magazines and find it just comes naturally (even when I'm not looking for it for work purposes!) and hopefully I can use this blog (along with my other posts) as an expressive outlet for posting any ideas/inspiration

Saturday 17 October 2015


Industry Flashcards

This task will be helpful when deciding what magazine distributor I wish to go with when producing  and distributing my final product. I am most interested in the type of magazines a distributor distributes, where the distributor distributes its products e.g. national or international and what types of media they distribute.

In my magazine I am looking for a distributor who already publishes a well established music magazine, produces the magazine nationally and has more than one type of media platform for distribution as I would like to have both a print and digital option for my readers.

Ideal institution- Bauer Media as they fit all the requirements above,
Not ideal institution- InterMedia Partners because they only distribute their magazines e.g. VIBE online.

Saturday 10 October 2015


What is iconography?

Iconography is the association with an artist to a picture, so I have created a mindmap using iconography of the software 'simple minds' I have looked at sub-genres and the artists that represent them 

What I learnt from this task and how this information will help me improve my work-

I have gained an understanding of what artists go into specific genres and their artists whether these artists are past or present, using this iconography I can also gather the artists and genre which is most heard of (particularly for the target audience of 16-26) house, pop/RnB and rap are the more listened to compared to rock and classical, therefore I would not create a magazine on either of them genres.