Friday 23 October 2015

Mood Board

Using the software final cut pro, I have created this mood board that has a collection of photos that relate to my chosen genre of RnB, these photos include: the audience, famous artists (both past and present) CD's, fonts (that fit the theme) and RnB magazines accompanied by some short video clips of RnB music videos through the past 25 years. All music used in this mood board is all current RnB tracks.

How this will help my research:
This mood board has helped me with this research task s it has enabled me to associate the type of audience who listen to RnB and would be interested in the magazines i.e. they are the type of audience who would enjoy attending concerts therefore I could include a double page spread on upcoming events. It has also helped me to develop my understanding on the type of dress and style that genre enjoy as the women are often dressed in little clothing (as seen in the music videos and magazine front covers) and the rappers often wear a leather jacket and 'chavy' dress e.g. baseball shirts and caps with some form of bling around their neck portraying a much harsher look; this type of research will definitely be useful when looking to create my front cover.

Problems I encountered:

As I had used pre-existing and copyrighted music, YouTube had threatened to take down my video; therefore I had to file a dispute as to why my music is eligible to be used and posted on YouTube. I had stated that my reasons for use was purely for education purposes and that the video was on the 'private' setting (meaning only myself and others who had the hyperlink could view the video.) I currently have a strike against my name and complete 'copyright school' so that I could regain access to my account and continue uploading videos onto my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, excellent detail in you explanation. Well done.
