Saturday 24 October 2015


This summary explains what I have found out about the genre what sub genre/angle I will take based on the research I have conducted and will explain why I chosen this particular genre and what gap it fills

Based on the research I have conducted on the genre of my magazine, I have decided to create a magazine that is based on RnB as it became apparent that there was a lack/gap in the market where niche RnB magazines are concerned.

I see a need for this magazine as their is a gap in the market because there aren't many mass magazines that are aimed specifically towards RnB e.g. Billboard and Vibe as they only have small sections containing RnB related articles and other RnB magazines such as RnB are not widely circulated and well known, when looking into these types of magazine I also found that the target audience is a lot higher (maybe 25+)

Using my genre research, I can conclude, that the most suitable target audience for a RnB magazine is 16-26 year olds as they tend to take a lot of interest into this type of music and artists and seen as they are the majority of concert/festival attenders I would like to dedicate some pages/articles that specifically address this matter.

As a 17 year old myself, it helps having a target audience 16-26 as I am surrounded with people of similar ages myself and it would be efficient when conducting research and knowing from observations how I can appeal to this audience to the best of my ability.

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